Bret Adams Ltd.
Ken Melamed and Margi Rountree
Recent News
The year 2020 has truly been an eye-opening experience for us all. Shona has been Zooming all over the place! During this year, she has had opportunities to work with artists she would not have thought possible to work with.

A reading of The Bacchae
A reading with Uma Thurman and Carey Perloff of The Cherry Orchard, playing Carlotta, a Zoom fundraiser honoring ushers of Hartford Stage with David Straitharn and Melia Bensussen, as well as a reading from her favorite play, A Lion in Winter with Marco Baricelli, a tribute to Wendy Wasserstein with Michael Barykiva and the Hangar Theater, and lastly, a new version of The Bacchae with BD Wong and Carey Perloff.
Shona recently finished wrapping two films: Linoleum with Jim Gaffigan and The Hating Game, directed by Peter Hutchins.